


  1. henkilö, jolla on (varallisuutta); omistaja

Esimerkkejä have sanan käytöstä:

the haves and the have-nots ‒ varakkaat ja varattomat

Liittyvät sanat: have-not



  1. tehdä, olla, pitää, olla yllään, tulla raskaaksi, synnyttää, saada lapsi, tuottaa, saada, kuulua.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä

Liittyvät sanat: haveri.





saada lapsi puhekieltä To possess, own, hold.

I have a house and a car.

Look what I have here — a frog I found on the street!

puhekieltä To be related in some way to (with the object identifying the relationship).

I have two sisters.

I have a lot of work to do.

puhekieltä To partake of a particular substance (especially a food or drink) or action.

I have breakfast at six oclock.''

Can I have a look at that?

Im going to have some pizza and a beer right now.''

puhekieltä Used in forming the w:Perfect aspect|perfect aspect and the past perfect aspect.

I have already eaten today.

I had already eaten.

puhekieltä must.

I have to go.

Note: there is a separate entry for have to.

puhekieltä To give birth to.

The couple always wanted to have children.

My wife is having the baby right now!

My mother had me when she was 25.

puhekieltä To engage in sexual intercourse with.

Hes always bragging about how many women he's had.''

puhekieltä To accept as a romantic partner.

Despite my protestations of love, she would not have me.

(qualifier) To cause to, by a command, request or invitation.
2002, Matt Cyr, Something to Teach Me: Journal of an American in the Mountains of Haiti, Educa Vision, Inc., ISBN 1584321385, (gbooks):
His English is still in its beginning stages, like my Creole, but he was able to translate some Creole songs that he's written into English—not the best English, but English nonetheless. He had me correct the translations. That kind of thing is very interesting to me. When I was learning Spanish, I would often take my favorite songs and try to translate them.

They had me feed their dog while they were out of town.

(qualifier) To cause to be.

He had him arrested for trespassing.

The lectures ending had the entire audience in tears.''

(qualifier) To be affected by an occurrence. (Used in supplying a topic that is not a verb argument.)

The hospital had several patients contract pneumonia last week.

Ive had three people today tell me my hair looks nice.''

(qualifier) To depict as being.

Their stories differed; he said hed been at work when the incident occurred, but her statement had him at home that entire evening.''

Anton Rogan, 8, was one of the runners-up in the Tick Tock Box short story competition, not Anton Rogers as we had it.The Guardian.

Used as interrogative auxiliary verb with a following pronoun to form tag questions. (For further discussion, see "Usage notes" below)

We havent eaten dinner yet, have we?''

Your wife hasnt been reading that nonsense, has she?''

puhekieltä He has some money, 'hasn't he'?

puhekieltä To defeat in a fight; take.

I could have him!

Im gonna have you!''

puhekieltä To be able to speak a language.

I have no German.

To feel or be (especially painfully) aware of.

Dan certainly has arms today, probably from scraping paint off four columns the day before.

To be afflicted with, to suffer from, to experience something negative

He had a cold last week.

We had a hard year last year, with the locust swarms and all that.

To trick, to deceive

You had me alright! I never would have thought that was just a joke.

puhekieltä To allow.
1922, (w), (w) Chapter 2
"You're a very naughty boy. If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. I won't have you chasing the geese!"
(l), have got
(plural indefinite of)
(l), (l)
puhekieltä shrimp net
to (l), to possess
(inflection of)


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