

  1. ääni, kurlaus, liuos, kurlausvesi, suuvesi, puhdistaa, pestä, kurlata, huuhdella, päästää ilmoille, päästää, päästää ulos, päästää valloilleen, tuottaa, äännellä, sanoa kurlaavalla äänellä.

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sanoa kurlaavalla äänellä


kurlata puhekieltä to clean one's mouth by holding water or some other liquid in the back of the mouth and blowing air out from the lungs
1915, Willa Cather, The Song of the Lark:

She hated the poisoned feeling in her throat, and no matter how often she gargled she felt unclean and disgusting.
puhekieltä to make a sound like the one made while gargling
puhekieltä to clean a specific part of the body by gargling (almost always throat or mouth)
1893, Gilbert Parker, Mrs. Falchion:
They don't gargle their throats with anything stronger than coffee at this tavern.
puhekieltä to use (a liquid) for purposes of cleaning one's mouth or throat by gargling.

Every morning he gargled a little cheap Scotch.

a liquid used for gargling
1861, Youngs Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets'':
Take of borax 1 drm., tinc. of myrrh 1/2 oz., clarified honey 1 oz., rose or distilled water, 4 oz.; mix. To be used as a gargle or mouth wash in sore mouth or affection of the gums.
the sound of gargling
puhekieltä lager, drink
(obsolete form of)


gargle rimmaa näiden kanssa:

beagle, single

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