


  1. viulu

  2. (puhekieltä) huijaus

Liittyvät sanat: fiddler



  1. korjata, parsia, kunnostaa, remontoida, uudistaa, entisöidä, korjailla, soittaa, vinguttaa, soittaa viulua.

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huijata, tehdä vilunkia


vinguttaa puhekieltä Any of various bowed string instruments, often used to refer to a violin when played in any of various traditional styles, as opposed to classical violin.

When I play it like this, its a fiddle; when I play it like that, it's a violin.''

A kind of dock (Rumex pulcher) with leaf leaves shaped like the musical instrument.
An adjustment intended to cover up a basic flaw.

That parameter setting is just a fiddle to make the lighting look right.

A fraud; a scam.
puhekieltä On board a ship or boat, a rail or batten around the edge of a table or stove to prevent objects falling off at sea. (Also fiddle rail)
To play aimlessly.
Samuel Pepys
Talking, and fiddling with their hats and feathers.

Youre fiddling your life away.''

To adjust in order to cover a basic flaw or fraud etc.

I needed to fiddle the lighting parameters to get the image to look right.

Fred was sacked when the auditors caught him fiddling the books.

puhekieltä To play traditional tunes on a violin in a non-classical style.
Francis Bacon
Themistocles (..) said he could not fiddle, but he could make a small town a great city.
To touch or fidget with something in a restless or nervous way, or tinker with something in an attempt to make minor adjustments or improvements.


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