


  1. silmä

Esimerkkejä eye sanan käytöstä:

naked eye ‒ paljas silmä

have an eye for ‒ olla silmää jollekin

have an eye to ‒ olla tavoitteena, "tähdätä"

Liittyvät sanat: eye socket – silmäkuoppa



  1. silmä, neulansilmä, silmukka, aukko, kolo, aistin, aistinreseptori, reseptori, aistinelin, näkö, näkö-, silmät.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä




silmäillä, katsoa

näkö An organ through which animals see.

Bright lights really hurt my eyes.

The visual sense.


Attention, notice.
The ability to notice what others might miss.
A meaningful stare or look.
A private eye: a privately hired detective or investigator.
2003, (w), w:The Devil in the White City|The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America, Random House, ISBN 0609608444, page 199
Far more annoying were the letters from parents of missing daughters and the private detectives who had begun showing up at his door. Independently of each other, the Cigrand and Conner families had hired “eyes” to search for their missing daughters.
A hole at the blunt end of a needle through which thread is passed.
A fitting consisting of a loop of metal or other material, suitable for receiving a hook or the passage of a cord or line.
The relatively clear and calm center of a hurricane or other such storm.
A mark on an animal, such as a peacock or butterfly, resembling a human eye.
The dark spot on a black-eyed pea.
A reproductive bud in a potato.
puhekieltä The dark brown center of a black-eyed Susan flower.
A loop forming part of anything, or a hole through anything, to receive a rope, hook, pin, shaft, etc. — e.g. at the end of a tie bar in a bridge truss; through a crank; at the end of a rope; or through a millstone.
That which resembles the eye in relative importance or beauty.
(rfdat) (w)
the very eye of that proverb
Athens, the eye of Greece, mother of arts
Tinge; shade of colour.
Red with an eye of blue makes a purple.
One of the holes in certain kinds of cheese.
puhekieltä The circle in the centre of a volute.


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