


  1. yhtäläinen, samanveroinen

  2. yhtä suuri

  3. tasa-arvoinen

  4. vastaava

Esimerkkejä equal sanan käytöstä:

Six plus two is equal to eight.

equal and opposite reaction

2 + 3 equals 5

Liittyvät sanat: equally



  1. oikeassa suhteessa oleva, oikeassa suhteessa, vertailukelpoinen, verrattavissa oleva, tasa-arvoinen, tasavertainen, sama, tasa-arvoisuus, yhdenmukaisuus, samanvertaisuus, yhtäsuuruus, tasa-arvo.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä





vastata, olla yhtä suuri

yhdenmukaistaa puhekieltä The same in all respects.


(w) (1671-1743)
They who are not disposed to receive them may let them alone or reject them; it is equal to me.
puhekieltä Exactly identical, having the same value.
puhekieltä fair Fair, impartial.
1644, (w), (w):
it could not but much redound to the lustre of your milde and equall Government, when as private persons are hereby animated to thinke ye better pleas'd with publick advice, then other statists have been delighted heretofore with publicke flattery.
Bible, (w) xviii. 29
Are not my ways equal?
(w) (c.1552–1599)
Thee, O Jove, no equal judge I deem.
puhekieltä adequate Adequate; sufficiently capable or qualified.
1881, (w), (w), http://books.google.com/books?id=EBkGAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA311&dq=%22more+equal%22+date:0-1932 page 311
her comprehension was certainly more equal to the covert meaning, the superior intelligence, of those five letters so arranged.
(w) (1609-1674)
The Scots trusted not their own numbers as equal to fight with the English.
(w) (1631-1700)
It is not permitted to me to make my commendations equal to your merit.
(w) (1803-1882)
(..)whose voice an equal messenger / Conveyed thy meaning mild.
puhekieltä Not variable; equable; uniform; even.
an equal temper
puhekieltä Intended for voices of one kind only, either all male or all female; not mixed.
puhekieltä To be equal to, to have the same value as; to correspond to.

Two plus two equals four.

To be equivalent to; to match
2004, Mary Levy and Jim Kelly, Marv Levy: Where Else Would You Rather Be?
There was an even more remarkable attendance figure that underscores the devotion exhibited by our fans, because it was in 1991 that they set a single season in-stadium attendance record that has never been equaled.

David equaled the water level of the bottles, so they now both contain exactly 1 liter.

puhekieltä To have as its consequence.

Losing this deal equals losing your job.

Might does not equal right.

A person or thing of equal status to others.

Were all equals here.''

This beer has no equal.

Those who were once his equals envy and defame him.
puhekieltä State of being equal; equality.



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