suomi-englanti sanakirja

’ englanniksi

  1. Used as a mark in some languages.

  2. (ng) for stop and ejective consonants in the orthographies of various languages of America, Africa, and the Pacific.

  3. (ng) for hamza.

  4. (ng) used to transliterate the sign (m) and palatalized consonants.

  5. transliteration of Sanskrit ''avagraha'' (or equivalents)

  6. Indicating the omission of letters or digits.

  7. ''tho’'', ''they’ll'', ''’65'', '''ospital|’ospital''

  8. (n-g)

  9. (n-g) to differentiate it from words starting with the letter ի.

  10. (ux)

  11. (n-g), (l), (l).

  12. (n-g), (m), transliterates the apostrophe.

  13. Indicating the non-palatalization of the preceding consonant before a vowel.

  14. (alt sp)

  15. Indicating the omission of letters.

  16. In case of enclitic pronouns: ''wenn es → wenn’s, gibt es → gibt’s''

  17. (qualifier) In case of merging of prepositions and articles: ''auf dem → auf’m''

  18. In case of omission of ''e'' in the present indicative: ''ich gehe → ich geh’, wir/sie gehen → wir/sie geh’n''

  19. (qualifier) In case of the omission of ''e'' in the imperative singular: gehe du → geh’ du''

  20. (qualifier) In case of the omission of ''e'' in the imperative plural: ''gehet ihr → geh’t ihr''

  21. (qualifier) In case of the omission of ''e'' in the past participle: ''entdecket → entdeck’t, bezeuget → bezeug’t''

  22. (qualifier) In case of the omission of ''e'' in the genitive case: ''Gottes → Gott’s, Königes → König’s''

  23. A symbol placed before a syllabic (l) at the beginning of a word: ’рт, ’рѓа, ’рбет, ’рмба etc.

  24. A symbol used to denote the schwa sound in some dialectal words: к’смет.