
suomi-englanti sanakirja

zany englannista suomeksi

  1. pelle, sekopää

  2. hullunkurinen, hassu

  3. sekopäinen

  1. hullunkurinen

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

zany englanniksi

  1. Unusual and awkward in a funny, comical manner; outlandish; clownish.

  2. {{quote-book

  3. (quote-book)'s&93; ambassadorial role and drew attention to the paradox that he was a shrewd musician and leader despite his zany image.

  4. (quote-book), Waddell|Rube Waddell's pattern after one of his zany outbursts usually involved promises of good behavior and a spurt of excellent pitching.

  5. (quote-book)'s ''You Can't Take It with You (film)|You Can't Take it with You'' (1938)|editors=Andrew Horton; Joanna E. Rapf|title=A Companion to Film Comedy|location=Chichester, West Sussex|publisher=John Wiley & Sons|year=2013|page=280|isbn=978-1-4443-3859-1|passage=This runs counter to the play, where Grandpa is always benignly indulgent of all his zany progeny and their equally zany spouses, and is even somewhat zany himself.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. Ludicrously or incongruously comical.

  8. A fool or clown, especially one whose business on the stage is to imitate foolishly the actions of the principal clown.

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=a. 1631|author=John Donne|title=Epistle to Mr. I. W.

  10. (RQ:Falkner Moonfleet)

  11. (quote-book). Such a person travelled round to fairs and markets selling his nostrums or medicines. This character is dressed in a lace hat, long periwig and embroidered coat with lace cuffs, and is attended by his zany, who is wearing a chequered harlequin outfit and is 'quacking' or 'puffing' his master's wares. No seventeenth- or eighteenth-century mountebank was complete without his zany or 'Merry Andrew' – a term originally applied to Dr Andrew Boorde, physician to Henry VIII and noted for his ready wit and humour, who was the subject of many broadside ballads.

  12. To mimic foolishly.