
suomi-englanti sanakirja

woke englanniksi

  1. Awake: conscious and not asleep.

  2. (syn)

  3. Alert, aware of what is going on, or well-informed, especially in racial and other justice issues.

  4. (ant)


  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1942|author=J. Saunders Redding|title=Negro Digest|volume=01

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. (quote-book)

  8. (quote-song)

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=2014|author=Lynn Sweeting|title=WomanSpeak, A Journal of Writing and Art by Caribbean Women|volume=7

  10. (senseid) Holding progressive views or attitudes, principally with regard to justice.

  11. (quote-web)

  12. A person who is woke (gloss).

  13. (rfv-sense) A progressive ideology, in particular with regards to justice.

  14. 2022, (w), speech at CPAC 2022:

  15. The woke is the new religion of the left.
  16. (infl of)

  17. (past participle of)

  18. (RQ:Thackeray Lovel)have woke out of dreams, mayhap in which the beloved was smiling on you, whispering love-words-oh! how sweet and fondly remembered!

  19. (RQ:Verne Twenty Thousand Leagues)

  20. woke; holding left-wing views or attitudes, ''(especially)'' with regards to justice issues to an excessive degree.

  21. (ux)

  22. woke (gloss) (defdate)

  23. (quote-web)’s hire is an example of the Biden administration’s woke initiatives towards “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI),” which also included the appointment of Dr. Rachel Levine, a transgender health official to the Department of Health and Human Services. Levine was sworn in as the country’s first four-star admiral.It shouldn’t be surprising that the Biden administration allows people suffering from woke hysteria and loose morals to rise to high-ranking government positions, as even Vice President Kamala Harris has joined in with her embrace of pronoun rituals.

  24. (alternative form of)

  25. Physically weak or feeble; lacking strength or energy:

  26. Weak or feeble due to illness, affliction or aging.

  27. Lacking competency in combat or on the battlefield.

  28. Helpless; lacking power, authority, or control.

  29. Fruitless, barren (gloss).

  30. Weak-minded; lacking mental force, power or endurance:

  31. Religiously weak; vulnerable to sin or moral turpitude.

  32. Fearful, afraid; lacking bravery or courage.

  33. Unintelligent; lacking intelligence or mental willpower.

  34. Indecisive (gloss).

  35. Morally suspect or corrupt; selfish.

  36. Unimportant, valueless (gloss).

  37. Bendable; able to be plied or flexed.

  38. (l) ((excessively) socially progressive)