
suomi-englanti sanakirja

wi englanniksi

  1. WI

  1. us

  2. (ux)

  3. with

  4. water

  5. rain

  6. man

  7. wine

  8. to bite

  9. (alt sp)

  10. fire

  11. (egy-alt tr)

  12. ambarella, (taxfmt).

  13. water

  14. sun

  15. yes

  16. rattan

  17. we

  18. (uxi)

  19. {{quote-book|en

  20. our

  21. {{quote-book|jam

  22. us

  23. (ja-romanization of)

  24. woman, female

  25. wife

  26. (ng); you

  27. (RQ:zlw-mas:Małi Princ)

  28. yes; a word used to indicate agreement or acceptance

  29. we

  30. (alternative form of).

  31. (l)

  32. that

  33. one

  34. with

  35. I, person singular

  36. (l), (l)

  37. two

  38. (rfdef)

  39. tooth

  40. (alt form)

  41. (quote-book)

  42. (Latn-def)

  43. to say

  44. (syn)

  45. to throb

  46. to singe; to scorch