
suomi-englanti sanakirja

valla englanniksi

  1. (monikko) en|vallum

  2. trap

  3. (ux)

  4. (noun form of)

  5. (gl-verb form of)

  6. (inflection of)

  7. (alt sp)

  8. (it-compound of)

  9. (infl of)

  10. to in

  11. fence

  12. (syn)

  13. barricade

  14. obstacle; hurdle

  15. (es-verb form of)

  16. wax

  17. to herd (cattle)

  18. to guide (tourists or visitors)

  19. ''besökarna vallades genom fabriken''

    the visitors were taken on a tour of the factory

  20. to apply wax

  21. to let a cue ball bounce off the wall before hitting the target

  22. (alternative form of)

  23. to pour

  24. to cast, mould/mold, found

  25. to water (gloss)