
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tope englannista suomeksi

  1. ryypiskellä

  2. stupa

  1. Verbi

  2. Substantiivi

tope englanniksi

  1. To drink excessively; to get drunk.

  2. A small, grey, European shark, (taxfmt), that has rough skin and a long snout.

  3. A grove of trees.

  4. 1868?, James Grant, ''First Love and Last Love''

  5. Concealed among the long rank grass of the mango tope the three lurkers watched the gate of the camp; but though many passcd out and in, the rider on the bay mare was not one of the number.
  6. (quote-book)

  7. A mound-like Buddhist sepulchre, or memorial monument, often erected over a relic; a stupa.

  8. A cannon (gl).

  9. 1857, ''Cassell's Illustrated History of England'' (page 269)

  10. They found him strongly posted near the fortress of Deeg, in the midst of bogs, tanks, and topes, and formidably defended by artillery.
  11. (gl-verb form of)

  12. meat

  13. (monikko) it|topa

  14. (alternative form of)

  15. (rfdef)

  16. (pt-verb form of)

  17. (inflection of)

  18. butt, end, butt end

  19. stop, catch, snag (qualifier)

  20. collision

  21. quarrel, fight

  22. reinforcement

  23. buffer, bumper

  24. masthead, lookout

  25. bump

  26. (syn)

  27. equestrian parade usually held on the first day of a festival

  28. top, limit

  29. really

  30. (ux)

  31. (es-verb form of)

  32. mud

  33. vole

  34. shrew

  35. to want to (do something)

  36. (uxi)

  37. to intend to (do something)