
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tincture englannista suomeksi

  1. kasviuute

  2. jälki

  3. värittää, värjätä, sävyttää

  4. vivahde, sävy, hiven, hitunen

  5. tinktuura

  1. Substantiivi

  2. sävy, vivahde

  3. tinktuuri

  4. uute

  5. hömpsy, napanteri, naukku, terävät (monikko)

  6. Verbi

  7. sävyttää, värjätä

tincture englanniksi

  1. (non-gloss definition)

  2. A pigment or other substance that colours or dyes; specifically, a pigment used as a cosmetic. (century)

  3. (RQ:Pliny Holland Historie of the World)

  4. (RQ:Purchas Pilgrimes)

  5. (RQ:Dryden Juvenal Satires)

  6. (RQ:Swift Gulliver)

  7. A colour or tint, especially if produced by a pigment or something which stains; a tinge.

  8. (RQ:Addison Cato)

  9. A slight addition of a thing to something else; a shade, a touch, a trace.

  10. (RQ:Drayton Poly-Olbion)

  11. (RQ:Spectator)

  12. (RQ:Carlyle Friedrich)

  13. (quote-book)), Bekker number 987(sup)|sectionurl=https://archive.org/details/worksaristotle08arisgoog/page/n37/mode/1up|oclc=929002484|passage=His &91;(w)'s&93; divergence from the Pythagoreans in making the One and the Numbers separate from things, and his introduction of the Forms, were due to his inquiries in the region of definitory formulae (for the earlier thinkers had no tincture of dialectic), (..)

  14. A hue or pattern used in the depiction of a of arms; namely, a colour, fur, or metal.

  15. The act of colouring or dyeing.

  16. A slight physical quality other than colour (especially taste), or an abstract quality, added to something; a tinge.

  17. (ux)

  18. (RQ:Camden Holland Britain)

  19. (RQ:Pope Works)

  20. (RQ:Thomson Works)

  21. (RQ:Burke Works)

  22. (RQ:Macaulay History of England)

  23. A small flaw; a blemish, a stain.

  24. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) R. Holt, for Obadiah Blagrave,(nb...)|month=(date written)|year=a. 1659|year_published=1687|page=114|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=NL0JYdTQLVUC&pg=PA114|oclc=30835082|passage=To offend againſt ſo gracious a Patron, vvould add a Tincture to our Diſobedience; yet ſuch is the Iniquity of our Condition, that vve are forced to defer our Gratitude.

  25. (synonym of)

  26. (RQ:Drayton Poly-Olbion)'' ſonne of a ''Daniſh'' Potentate, (..) made tranſmigration into ''France'', and there, after ſome martiall diſcords, honored in holy tincture of Chriſtianity vvith the name of ''Robert'', (..)

  27. A medicine consisting of one or more substances dissolved in ethanol or some other solvent.

  28. A (small) alcoholic drink.

  29. (RQ:Joyce Dubliners)

  30. An immaterial substance or spiritual principle which was thought capable of being instilled into physical things; also, the essence or spirit of something.

  31. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Simmes|Valentine Simmes for (w),(nb...)|year=1599|pages=67–68|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/gri_33125008513125/page/n79/mode/1up|oclc=222334769|passage=For vvhat is ſilke but eu'n a Quinteſſence, / Made vvithout hands beyond al humane ſenſe? / A quinteſſence? nay vvel it may be call'd, / A deathleſſe tincture, ſent vs from the skies, / VVhoſe colour ſtands, vvhose gloſſe is ne're appalld, (..)

  32. A material essence thought to be capable of extraction from a substance.

  33. (RQ:Grew Vegetables)

  34. (RQ:Hale Mankind)

  35. The part of a substance thought to be essential, finer, and/or more volatile, which could be extracted in a solution; also, the process of obtaining this.

  36. (RQ:Jonson Alchemist)

  37. (RQ:Jonson Fortunate Isles)

  38. (RQ:Mortimer Husbandry)

  39. To colour or stain (something) with, or as if with, a dye or pigment.

  40. (RQ:Herbert Travaile)

  41. (RQ:More Iniquity)

  42. (quote-journal) John Martyn(nb...); printer to the (w)|month=June 2 (Gregorian calendar)|year=1670|volume=V|issue=59|pages=1046–1047|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=BJCIlDfCsdAC&pg=PA1047|oclc=630046584|passage=The VVater of theſe is like to that of ''Baden'' in ''Auſtria''; it leaves a vvhite Sediment upon the Moſs and places it vvaſheth, and tinctureth metals black: (..)

  43. (RQ:Wordsworth Excursion)

  44. ''Followed by'' with: to add to or impregnate (something) with (a slight amount of) an abstract or physical quality; to imbue, to taint, to tinge.

  45. (RQ:Heywood Loves Maistresse)

  46. (quote-book)|chapter=A Theosophick Epistle, or Letter, wherein the Life of a True Christian is Described:(nb...)|translator=anonymous|title=A Consideration upon the Book of Esaias Stiefel of the Threefold State of Man, and His New Birth.(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) John Macock|year=1653|section=paragraph 34|page=129|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=6nFjAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA129|oclc=1227532664|passage=Chriſt dravveth my VVill into himſelf, and cloateth it vvith his Blood and Death, and tictureth it vvith the higheſt Tincture of the Divine Povver: Thus it is changed into an Angelical Image, and getteth a Divine Life.

  47. (RQ:More Divine Dialogues)

  48. (RQ:Grew Vegetables) thus retreats, that is, by the continual appulſe of the ''Sap'', is in part carried off into the ''Cortical Body'' back again, the ''Sap'' vvhereof it novv tinctures into good Aliment: (..)

  49. (RQ:Hume Human Nature)

  50. (RQ:Blake Works)

  51. (quote-book)

  52. (quote-book)|location=Paisley, Renfrewshire|publisher=(...) J. Taylor|year=1828|page=121|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=fppLAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA121|oclc=13315395|passage=Thou tincturest bright Hebe's lonely walks, / Art with her as inspir'd with dread, she stalks / With pleasing dread, the sylvan maze, where dwell / Oft lowering gipsies of the wizard spell; (..)

  53. (quote-journal). Part I.|magazine=University Magazine|Dublin University Magazine, a Literary and Political Journal|location=Dublin|publisher=George Herbert,(nb...); London: and Blackett|Hurst & Blackett|month=May|year=1863|volume=LXI|issue=CCCLXV|page=552|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=1OcX2v1yQyQC&pg=RA2-PA552|column=2|oclc=949553349|passage=Oh, beauteous little pigeon, / Say whither art thou flying? / And whence hast gained the perfume / That from thy wings diffusing / Tincturest the air thou breathest?|footer=(small)’s poem “Pigeon”.

  54. (RQ:Melville Billy Budd)

  55. To dissolve (a substance) in ethanol or some other solvent to produce a medicinal tincture.

  56. To have a taint or tinge of some quality.

  57. (quote-book)|edition=2nd|location=London|publisher=(...) Hooper and Wigstead,(nb...)|year=1787|year_published=1796|page=xviii|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=8NrWd3NPRKMC&pg=PR18|oclc=1008014184|passage=The portrait of the Author, prefixed, is engraved from a drawing by another of his friends, done from memory; it is like, but a likeneſs that tinctures of the prejudice of friendſhip.

  58. (inflection of)