
suomi-englanti sanakirja

tanka englannista suomeksi

  1. tanka

  1. tanka

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

tanka englanniksi

  1. A form of Japanese verse in five lines of 5, 7, 5, 7, and 7 morae.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (alternative form of)

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. A kind of boat used in Guangdong, about 25 feet long and often rowed by Tanka women; junk.

  6. A coin and unit of currency of varying value, formerly used in parts of India and Central Asia.

  7. {{quote-text|en|year=1994|author=Stephen Frederic Dale|title=Indian Merchants and Eurasian Trade, 1600-1750|page=29

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=1997|author=Kiran Nagarkar|title=Cuckold|page=42|publisher=HarperCollins|year_published=2013

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=2011|author=Najaf Haider|editor=Irfan Habib|title=Economic History of Medieval India, 1200-1500|section=Vol. VIII part 1, p. 152

  10. tanka (gloss)

  11. (ja-romanization of)

  12. (inflection of)

  13. tank (put fuel into a tank)

  14. (pt-verb form of)

  15. thought

  16. ''... på Månan, och har gifvit anledning till den oriktiga tankan att där finnas eldsprutande berg.''

    ... on the Moon, and has given occasion to the incorrect thought that it has fire-spouting mountains.

  17. to refuel; to fill a tank with fuel

  18. to drink large quantities of alcohol; to booze

  19. to download large quantities of data