
suomi-englanti sanakirja

substrate englannista suomeksi

  1. substraatti

  2. kasvualusta, maaperä

  1. Substantiivi

  2. substraatti

  3. kasvualusta

  4. aluskerros

  5. Verbi

substrate englanniksi

  1. An underlying layer; a substratum.

  2. The substance lining the bottom edge of an enclosure.

  3. ''The substrate of an aquarium can affect the water's acidity.''

    ''Stream substrate affects fish longevity.''

  4. A substance acted upon, as by an enzyme.

  5. A surface on which an organism grows, or to which an organism or an item is attached.

  6. ''The rock surface of a rockpool is the substrate for a sessile organism such as a limpet.''

  7. (quote-book) that uses a fine stick held in the beak to extract insect prey from wood, is a tool user, but a shrike (..) that impales an insect on a thorn still attached to the bush is not.

  8. {{quote-book|en|year=2006|author=Edward A. Wasserman; Thomas R. Zentall|title=Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence|isbn=0195167651|page=520

  9. A language that is replaced in a population by another language and that influences the language imposed on its speakers.

  10. (ant)

  11. A metal which is plated with another metal which has different physical properties.

  12. A surface to which a substance adheres.

  13. To strew or lay under.

  14. (RQ:Boyle Experimental Natural Philosophy)

  15. Having very slight furrows.