
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sika englannista suomeksi

  1. japaninpeura

  1. japaninkauris

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

sika englanniksi

  1. swine

  2. pork

  3. pig

  4. grunter

  5. bounder

  1. (taxfmt), a deer found in the forests of Asia

  2. (syn)

  3. A traditional Bangladeshi hanging basket

  4. {{quote-book|en|year=2003|author=Sirajul Islam|title=Banglapedia: National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh|url=|volume=7|isbn=9843205820|page=207

  5. Sikh

  6. {{quote-journal

  7. pig, swine

  8. (synonym of)

  9. pig, swine (gloss)

  10. officer

  11. to sew

  12. gold

  13. dry (gloss)

  14. (ant)

  15. dysentery, diarrhea

  16. (n-g); you

  17. pig

  18. A certain game, where players take turns drawing cards from the deck and try to discard them.

  19. place, locality

  20. now, current

  21. medicine

  22. to cut

  23. (alt form)

  24. (infl of)

  25. (inflection of)

  26. to cut

  27. to imitate, to mimic