
suomi-englanti sanakirja

shipworm englannista suomeksi

  1. laivamato

  1. Substantiivi

  2. laivamato

shipworm englanniksi

  1. Any of several wormlike marine molluscs (not true worms) of the family (taxfmt) that bore through the wooden hulls of ships and other woody material immersed in water; specifically, the (vern) or turu ((taxlink)), the species of the genus (taxfmt).

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (RQ:Dampier New Voyage) It is reported that thoſe VVorms vvhich get into a Ships bottom in the ſalt vvater, vvill dye in the freſh vvater; and that the freſh vvater VVorms vvill dye in ſalt vvater: but in brackiſh vvater both ſorts vvill increaſe prodigiouſly.

  4. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Osborne (publisher)|Thomas Osborne, and J. Shipton,(nb...)|year=1756|section=part II, book III, class I, section II, order IV|page=395|pageurl=|oclc=1264747218|passage=The Ship-VVorm of ''Jamaica''. This inſect is extremely deſtructive to all the ſhips that anchor for any time in the harbours of ''Jamaica'', or in any other part vvithin the tropics: They cut vvith great facility through the planks, and burrovv a conſiderable vvay in the ſubſtance of them, incruſtating the ſides of all their holes vvith a ſmooth teſtaceous ſubſtance(nb..).

  5. (RQ:Erasmus Darwin Botanic Garden).

  6. (RQ:Good Nature)

  7. (quote-journal)|date=1 January 1852|volume=I (New Series; volume LVII overall)|issue=CXI|page=55|pageurl=|oclc=13170851|passage=We have suffered seriously in our dock yards and harbors by the operations of the shipworm, to which the soundest and hardest oak offers no impediment.

  8. (quote-book)

  9. (quote-text) Even though mankind has tried to develop counter measures for thousands of years, still there is no easy solution to the shipworm problem in sight.

  10. (quote-journal)