
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sanguine englannista suomeksi

  1. rusottava

  2. verenpunainen

  3. toiveikas

  1. verenpunainen

  2. toiveikas

  3. Substantiivi

  4. Verbi

sanguine englanniksi

  1. Having the colour of blood; red. (defdate)

  2. Having a bodily constitution characterised by a preponderance of blood over the other bodily humours, thought to be marked by irresponsible mirth; indulgent in pleasure to the exclusion of important matters.

  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Titus)

  4. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 4-1)

  5. Characterized by abundance and active circulation of blood.

  6. (ux)

  7. (quote-book)| translator=Charles W. Chauncy| title=Treatise on the Diseases of the Heart, and Great Vessels|location=Philadelphia|publisher=Carey, Lea & Blnachard| page=(gbooks)| passage=Eleonore Lemindre, aged 34, tailoress, of a sanguine lymphatic temperament, having suffered great depression of spirits, experienced, in the course of 1820, symptoms of what is called disease of the heart.

  8. Warm; ardent.

  9. Anticipating the best; optimistic; confident; full of hope. (defdate)

  10. (ant)

  11. (RQ:Austen Emma)

  12. (RQ:Trollope Barchester Towers)

  13. (quote-journal)

  14. (RQ:Heller Catch-22)

  15. Full of blood; bloody.

  16. Bloodthirsty.

  17. Blood colour; red.

  18. (color panel)

  19. Anything of a blood-red colour, as cloth.

  20. A tincture, seldom used, of a blood-red colour (not to be confused with murrey).

  21. Bloodstone.

  22. Red crayon.

  23. To stain with blood; to impart the colour of blood to; to ensanguine.

  24. a tincture, seldom used, of a blood-red colour (not to be confused with murrey, which is (m) in French)

  25. (adj form of)

  26. blood

  27. (syn of)

  28. a dogwood plant

  29. (inflection of)

  30. Having a bloody-red hue; coloured in sanguine or a similar colour.

  31. Under the influence of blood as a cardinal humour (inherently or in the current case)

  32. Due to the influence or presence of a dangerous profusion of blood.

  33. Made of or created from blood (as a humour); bloody.

  34. A bloody red colour; (l) or red.

  35. A kind of fabric that is sanguine-coloured or the colour of blood.

  36. Blood as one of the four cardinal humours believed to influence health and mood.

  37. A swollen region or edema attributed to an excess of blood.

  38. A person primarily under the influence of blood as a cardinal humour.