
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ream englannista suomeksi

  1. kilokaupalla, metrikaupalla

  2. kaivaa

  3. puristaa

  4. riisi

  5. kalvia, väljentää

  1. avartaa, aarporata

  2. aarporata

  3. vaahdota, keuhkota

  4. survoa

  5. riisi

  6. kasa, läjä, tukku

  7. Substantiivi

ream englanniksi

  1. Cream; also, the creamlike froth on ale or other liquor; froth or foam in general.

  2. To cream; mantle; foam; froth.

  3. (RQ:Scott Waverley) which, in the language of the hostess, reamed with excellent claret

  4. To enlarge (a hole), especially using a reamer; to bore (a hole) wider.

  5. (synonyms)

  6. To remove (material) by reaming.

  7. To remove burrs and debris from inside (something, such as a freshly bored hole) using a tool.

  8. To shape or form, especially using a reamer.

  9. To sexually penetrate in a rough and painful way.

  10. To yell at or berate.

  11. (syn)

  12. A bundle, package, or quantity of paper, nowadays usually containing 500 sheets.

  13. (cot)

  14. An abstract large amount of something.

  15. (ux)

  16. kingdom

  17. (inflection of)

  18. (alt form)

  19. cream

  20. (sense) cream