quid pro quo

suomi-englanti sanakirja

quid pro quo englannista suomeksi

  1. korvaus, vastasuoritus, vaihtokauppa

  1. Substantiivi

  2. epäselvyys, väärinkäsitys

  3. vaihto

  4. vastike

  5. vaihtokauppa

quid pro quo englanniksi

  1. Something which is understood as something else; an equivocation.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. Substitution of one drug for another.

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. Something which is offered or asked for in exchange for something else.

  6. A usually non-monetary exchange transaction, or series or process of exchange transactions.

  7. (quote-journal) In McDonnell, the government alleged a ''quid pro quo'' sale of “official action” – payments (the ''quid'') made to McDonnell, the former governor of Virginia, in return for a promise or undertaking by McDonnell to perform an official action (the ''quo''). The Court’s decision focused on the ''quo'' side of the equation – a side that does not often receive much scrutiny – analyzing the contours of whether the actions taken by McDonnell constituted illegal “official actions.”

  8. (quote-journal) / Council says, according to a handwritten note, Fey offered to support a pay raise for Mayor Ellis if Ellis would support a raise or a job appointment for Fey's wife, Gina.

  9. An equal or fair transaction or series of process of exchange transactions; for tat.

  10. harassment|Sexual harassment in which a person in a workplace implicitly or explicitly requires sexual favours in exchange for something.