
suomi-englanti sanakirja

puerile englannista suomeksi

  1. lapsekas, lapsellinen

puerile englanniksi

  1. Childish; trifling; silly.

  2. (syn)

  3. 1850, (w), ''French and English Manners'' (originally published in ''Hogg's Instructor''

  4. The French have been notorious through generations for their puerile affectation of Roman forms, models, and historic precedents.
  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1927|author=Thornton Wilder|title=The Bridge of San Luis Rey|page=79

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. (quote-journal) (Review)|location=London|date=12 April 2014|page=R7|passage=(..) I have always found it hard that Hamlet|Hamlet, a character that I love and admire, is guilty of a puerile misogyny and, perhaps, more worryingly, of the unnecessary deaths of his old friends from university, (w).

  8. 1930 July, West Kirby, ''and First Men|Last and First Men'' by Stapledon|Olaf Stapledon, Preface (page 9 of the Dover 1968 reprint of L&FM and ''Maker|Star Maker''):

  9. Today we should welcome, and even study, every serious attempt to envisage the future of our race, not merely to grasp the very diverse and often tragic possibilities that confront us, but also that we may familiarize ourselves with the certainty that many of our cherished ideals would seem puerile to more developed minds.
  10. Characteristic of, or pertaining to, a boy or boys; compare (m). (rfex)

  11. (de-adj form of)

  12. puerile, childish, juvenile, boyish

  13. children's, baby

  14. (inflection of)

  15. (adj form of)