
suomi-englanti sanakirja

proliferation englannista suomeksi

  1. lisääntyminen, lisäkasvu, proliferaatio

  1. Substantiivi

  2. lisääntyminen

proliferation englanniksi

  1. The process by which an organism produces others of its kind; breeding, propagation, procreation, reproduction.

  2. The act of increasing or rising; augmentation, amplification, enlargement, escalation, aggrandizement.

  3. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-07-19|author=Mark Tran

  4. (quote-journal)

  5. The result of building up; buildup, accretion.

  6. (rfv-sense) The spread of biochemical, nuclear and other of mass destruction to countries not originally involved in developing them.