
suomi-englanti sanakirja

platitude englannista suomeksi

  1. latteus

  1. Substantiivi

  2. klisee, latteus

  3. latteus

platitude englanniksi

  1. (senseid) An often-quoted saying that is supposed to be meaningful but has become unoriginal or hackneyed through overuse.

  2. (syn)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (quote-book) and women can tell them what they can't tell other men. And Ivor, suddenly cheered by laughing at his absurd platitudes, and finding himself by the door, was going from the room.

  5. (quote-journal)

  6. (senseid) A claim that is trivially true, to the point of being uninteresting.

  7. {{quote-book|en|year=1963|author=James R. Kreuzer; Lee Cogan|title=Modern Writings on Major English Authors|publisher=Ardent Media|page=109

  8. {{quote-book|en|year=1993|author=Harold B. Segel|title=The Vienna Coffeehouse Wits, 1890-1938|publisher=Purdue University Press|isbn=9781557530332|page=210

  9. {{quote-book|en|date=2012-09-16|author=Mathias Risse|title=On Global Justice|publisher=Princeton University Press|isbn=9781400845507|page=149

  10. (senseid) Flatness; lack of change, activity, or deviation.

  11. (senseid) Unoriginality; triteness.

  12. platitude, cliché

  13. flatness

  14. {{quote-book|fr|year=1921|author=Henri-René Lenormand|title=Le Simoun|url=

  15. blandness, triteness, unoriginality

  16. platitude, banality

  17. (l) (gloss)

  18. (l); triteness; unoriginality