
suomi-englanti sanakirja

partida englanniksi

  1. (feminine singular of)

  2. departure

  3. certificate (of marriage, death, and other civil things)

  4. entry

  5. party

  6. squad, band

  7. game

  8. trick

  9. (adj form of)

  10. departure (gloss)

  11. (syn) (q)


  12. start (gloss)

  13. (syn)

  14. match (gloss)

  15. ignition of a vehicle

  16. trick, prank

  17. match, lot, game (of cards, video games etc.)

  18. passing (death)

  19. certificate

  20. lot; group of things taken as one

  21. consignment

  22. parting of one's hair

  23. (ellipsis of)

  24. (n-g)

  25. (ux)