
suomi-englanti sanakirja

nationalize englannista suomeksi

  1. kansallistaa

  2. tehdä koko maata koskevaksi

  1. Verbi

  2. kansallistaa

nationalize englanniksi

  1. To make into, or to become, a nation.

  2. {{quote-text|en|year=1910|title=History for Ready Reference from the Best Historians|page=316

  3. To bring a private company, or an industry comprising such companies, under the control of a specific government.

  4. (syn)



  5. To bring a concept such as a political issue or commercial campaign to the attention of the entire country.

  6. To change from having local and regional variation to being national in character and scope.

  7. (quote-text)

  8. To make national; to make a nation of; to endow with the character and habits of a nation, or the peculiar sentiments and attachment of citizens of a nation.