
suomi-englanti sanakirja

meretricious englannista suomeksi

  1. epäaito

  2. halpahintainen

  3. siveetön

  1. pramea, koreileva

meretricious englanniksi

  1. Tastelessly gaudy; superficially attractive but having in reality no value or substance; falsely alluring.

  2. (syn)

  3. (RQ:Wollstonecraft Maria)

  4. (RQ:Dickens Pictures from Italy)

  5. (RQ:James Roderick Hudson)

  6. (RQ:Howells Silas)

  7. (RQ:Maugham Of Human Bondage)

  8. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)

  9. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=Clive James|title=North Face of Soho|page=164|publisher=Picador|year_published=2007

  10. (quote-book)

  11. Involving unlawful sexual connection or lack of consent by at least one party (said of a romantic relationship).

  12. Of, or relating to prostitutes or prostitution.