
suomi-englanti sanakirja

mallee englannista suomeksi

  1. eukalyptus

  1. Substantiivi

mallee englanniksi

  1. A type of scrubland with low-growing thick eucalypts, characteristic of certain parts of Australia. (defdate)

  2. (quote-book)

  3. Any semi-desert region of Australia where such scrub is the predominant vegetation. (defdate)

  4. (quote-journal); Sydney: Gibbs, Shallard, & Co.| month=December| year=1867| year_published=1868| volume=I (New Series)| issue=4| page=305| pageurl=| oclc=37164627| passage=Although not totally destitute of animal life, in the summer season very few living creatures, beyond innumerable tribes of insects, are to be found within the Mallee.

  5. Any of several low-growing eucalypts characteristic of such scrubland, especially (taxlink), (taxlink), and (taxlink). (defdate)

  6. (quote-journal); (w),(nb...)| month=January| year=1851| volume=I, part III| pages=242–243| pageurl=| oclc=2977310| passage=An immense tract of country in this district is entirely occupied by a "scrub," as it is called in Colonial language, consisting of the mallee plant, (taxlink), the leaves of which at certain seasons become covered with this species of manna, which is known to the natives by the name of Lerp, the ''l'' being pronounced like the Italian ''gl''.

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. (quote-text)

  9. The growth habit of certain eucalypt species that grow with multiple stems springing from an underground lignotuber, shared by species of related genera.

  10. (quote-book)| month=June| year=1978| pages=1-4 and 2-1| pageurl=|oclc=4093594| passage=&91;page 1-4, section 1.3&93; Of the many variations in form of the Eucalyptus (shrubs, mallees, trees, etc.), virtually all species being tested in the above category are those which exhibit good tree form (e.g., height, straightness of trunk, etc.). (..) &91;page 2-1, section 2.2&93; Shrubby eucalypts are usually referred to as "mallees" although the term strictly applies to those species which have many stems growing from an enlarged rootstock (lignotuber).

  11. (senseid) (alternative spelling of).

  12. (quote-book)|location=Calcutta|publisher=W. Thacker & Co. St. Andrew’s Library|year=1840|page=1|pageurl=|oclc=474754220|passage=Hence the slow progress hitherto made in the cultivation of such produce of the garden as is generally held in estimation by the European portion of the community, left as it generally is, to the simple Hindoo mallee (or gardener,) it is not to be wondered at, that our bazars want what are deemed the more delicate articles of vegetable production for the table; (..)

  13. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) of Commons of the United Kingdom|The House of Commons,(nb...)|date=29 November 1871|year_published=28 May 1872|volume=X (East India—continued)|page=301|pageurl=|oclc=941810036|passage=Telegram from Collector of Sylhet to Secretary Colonel Burne, No. 221; dated the 29th November 1871. Every necessary precaution taken to arrest spread of cholera: three camps formed, one for those attacked, one for the convalescents, one for the healthy. I sent down dhobies, sweepers, cooks, and mallees, last to dig trenches for burying the dead, when burning was not possible.

  14. (inflection of)