

  1. eukalyptus, eukalyptuspuu, Eucalyptus dumosa, Eucalyptus stellulata.

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eukalyptus puhekieltä A type of scrubland with lowAdjective low-growing thick eucalypts, characteristic of certain parts of Australia. (defdate)
(quote-book)|year=1994|page=301|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-521-41420-3|passage=The ecology of much Western Australian mallee is poorly understood, so only a few general points can be made here. Mallee dominated by eucalypts including Eucalyptus redunca and E. eremophilia is mapped as widespread (Beard, 1975) on areas of brown calcareous earths north of Esperance (Northcote et al., 1967).
(quote-book)|year=2002|page=238, column 2|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-521-80591-9|passage=Large areas of mallee shrublands are now either reserved specifically for biodiversity conservation or else managed sympathetically. Fire is a prominent feature of the semi-arid lands in general and the mallee shrublands in particular.
puhekieltä Any semidesert semi-desert region of Australia where such scrub is the predominant vegetation. (defdate)
(quote-book)|year=1958|oclc=11060168|passage='They're going to lynch you, Regerson,' Harry told him, grinning. 'You'd better take to the mallee before they come for you.'
1985, (w), chapter 4, in (w), St. Lucia, Qld.: (w), (ISBN); republished (w), 2003, (ISBN), page 365:

It made no difference that he had also invented several ploughs and a device for grubbing Mallee country or that people had journeyed all the way from Melbourne to inspect them.
puhekieltä Any of several low-growing eucalypts characteristic of such scrubland, especially (taxlink), (taxlink), and (taxlink). (defdate)
(quote-journal), bookseller, w:Launceston, Tasmania|Launceston|month=January|year=1851|volume=I, part III|pages=242–243|pageurl=|oclc=2977310|passage=An immense tract of country in this district is entirely occupied by a "scrub," as it is called in Colonial language, consisting of the mallee plant, (w), the leaves of which at certain seasons become covered with this species of manna, which is known to the natives by the name of Lerp, the l being pronounced like the Italian gl. (..) "The Blacks say the lerp is not in any way produced by an insect, but that it is a spontaneous production of the mallee or gum-scrub when very young, say a foot or eighteen inches high, and that it grows on either side of the leaf; that old mallee, or mallee about eighteen inches high, does not produce lerp. Therefore, this year they have burned as much of the mallee as they could to admit of the young mallee springing up."
(quote-journal)|journal=Transactions of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria|location=Melbourne, Vic.|publisher=(w)|year=1859|volume=III|page=32|pageurl=|oclc=173352986|passage=The water-yielding Eucalyptus is one of the many species which pass under the name of Eucalyptus Dumosa, extending from the desert tributaries of the Murray, westward, as far as Swan River, constituting those almost impenetrable scrubs called Malleè. (..) The existence of the Weir Malleè with its invaluable supply of water, is universally known by old bushmen, though I have met with some who never saw it to know it positively, not having taken the trouble to find out from the blacks which really is the tree.
puhekieltä The growth habit of certain eucalypt species that grow with multiple stemNoun stems springVerb springing from an underground lignotuber, shared by species of related genus genera.
1978 June, Eliseo O. Mariani; Warren A. Wood; Paul C. Kouchoukos; Mary Beth Minton; Marelco, Inc., “Introduction” and “The Eucalypts”, in The Eucalyptus Energy Farm: Feasibility Study and Demonstration: Phase 1: Site and Species Selection (HCP/T2557-01), Washington, D.C.: Division of Solar Technology, Office of Energy Technology, (w), (w) 4093594:
&91; page 1-4, section 1.3&93; Of the many variations in form of the Eucalyptus (shrubs, mallees, trees, etc.), virtually all species being tested in the above category are those which exhibit good tree form (e.g., height, straightness of trunk, etc.).
&91; page 2-1, section 2.2&93; Shrubby eucalypts are usually referred to as "mallees" although the term strictly applies to those species which have many stems growing from an enlarged rootstock (lignotuber).
(quote-book)|year=1994|page=292|pageurl=|isbn=978-0-521-41420-3|passage=Eucalypts with a mallee growth form can also be found in areas wetter than those already considered and where single-stemmed eucalypts predominate. This occurs in a variety of unfavourable habitats, either by normally single-stemmed eucalypts assuming a mallee habit (e.g., E. baxteri) or by the occurrence of distinct wet-country mallees of restricted distribution specific to such habitats.
(senseid)puhekieltä (alternative spelling of).
(inflection of)


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