
suomi-englanti sanakirja

leva englanniksi

  1. lev

  2. alga

  3. tang

  4. euglenid, euglenoid, euglenophyte

  5. stonewort

  1. (monikko) en|lev

  2. (inflection of)

  3. (gl-verb form of)

  4. lion

  5. (RQ:izh:Loonnontiito-2:1937)

  6. (ia-form of)

  7. lever

  8. call-up, conscription, draft, service

  9. those called-up, conscripts

  10. to live (''be alive'')

  11. (usex)

  12. to subsist (''nourish oneself'')

  13. (ux)

  14. to leave behind

  15. wave (gloss)

  16. (pt-verb form of)

  17. lev (gl)

  18. draft (gloss)

  19. cog

  20. cam

  21. (es-verb form of)

  22. to live, to be alive (concretely or figuratively)

  23. (quote-song), världen är stor. Här sitter vi, jag och min bror. Fisken i sjön sover nog nu. Den är nog trött. Eller vad tror du? Det ska va' vara gött å att leva, annars kan det kvitta. Fint å att leva, annars kan det kvitta. Lätt å att leva, annars kan det kvitta. Spring inte runt och vela, då sabbar du det hela. Spring inte runt och veva. Det ska va' vara gött, gött, gött, gött å att leva.|t=The life is good, the world is big. Here we sit, me and my brother. The fish in the lake is probably sleeping now. It is probably tired. Or what do you think? It should be good to live, otherwise there's no point ("otherwise it may (might as well) not matter" (what happens or the like)). Nice to live, otherwise there's no point. Easy to live, otherwise there's no point. Don't run around and vacillate, then you ruin the whole thing. Don't run around and wave. It should be good, good, good, good to live.

  24. to live (lead one's life somewhere, with someone, or the like)

  25. (syn)

  26. to live (in a particular way), to lead

  27. or (more rarely) (m) to on, to off (something)

  28. to be live (be in active play, of a ball)

  29. to be wild (and noisy) (of a person or animal the like, or other things by extension)

  30. to party, to indulge in debauchery

  31. to leave

  32. 1541, ''(w)'', ''(w)'', 22:25

  33. (quote)
  34. (noun form of)