
suomi-englanti sanakirja

knackered englannista suomeksi

  1. puhki, sippi, uupunut, sipannut, sipissä, poikki

  1. sippi, sipissä, puhki, poikki

  2. sippi, sipannut

knackered englanniksi

  1. Tired or exhausted.

  2. {{quote-text|en|year=2002|author=Robert Edenborough|title=Effective Interviewing: A Handbook of Skills and Techniques|pages=97–98

  3. 2003, Hugh Dauncey, Geoff Hare (editors), ''The Tour de France, 1903-2003: A Century of Sporting Structures, Meanings and Values'', Frank Cass Publishers, London, 2005, most+knackered%22+-intitle:%22%22+-inauthor:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SfuXT8P-HLCYiAfDqunVBQ&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22more|most%20knackered%22%20-intitle%3A%22%22%20-inauthor%3A%22%22&f=false page 225,

  4. Then, it all just gets worse and worse, you don't sleep so much, so you don't recover as well from the day's racing, so you go into your reserves, you get more knackered, so you sleep less... It's simply a vicious circle.
  5. {{quote-book|en|year=2009|author=Grace Maxwell|title=Falling & Laughing: The Restoration of Edwyn Collins|pageurl=|page=84

  6. {{quote-book|en|date=2020-11-12|author=Jim O’Driscoll|title=Offensive Language: Taboo, Offence and Social Control|publisher=Bloomsbury Publishing|isbn=9781350169692|page=48

  7. (infl of)

  8. Broken, inoperative.

  9. {{quote-book

  10. {{quote-text|en|year=2009|author=John Newton|title=Vance Miller - Kitchen Gangster?|page=82