in order

suomi-englanti sanakirja

in order englannista suomeksi

  1. kunnossa oleva, kunnossa, järjestyksessä

  1. järjestyksessä, järjestykseen

  2. kunnossa, järjestyksessä, järjestykseen

  3. paikallaan, vuorossa

  4. paikallaan

  5. järjestyksessä

in order englanniksi

  1. In a sequence.

  2. (ant)


  3. Ready, prepared; orderly; tidy.

  4. ''Some teachers find it hard to keep their classes in order.''

    ''I wish I could get my desk in order.''

    ''His material is in order for the presentation.''

  5. In accordance with the procedural rules governing formal meetings of a deliberative body.

  6. Appropriate, worthwhile.

  7. ''Now that we have finally finished, I think a celebration is in order.''

  8. (non-gloss definition)

  9. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-05-17

  10. ''She stood in order to see over the crowd.'' / ''She stood to see over the crowd.''

    ''She stood in order for her husband to see her.'' / ''She stood for her husband to see her.''

  11. In sequence.

  12. ''They sang in order, ending with a basso profundo.''