
suomi-englanti sanakirja

gravitate englannista suomeksi

  1. suuntautua, kallistua

  2. pyrkiä johonkin suuntaan, hakeutua

  3. olla kiinnostunut

  1. Verbi

  2. hakeutua, suuntautua

  3. Substantiivi

gravitate englanniksi

  1. To move under the force of gravity.

  2. {{quote-text|en|year=1712|author=Sir Blackmore|Richard Blackmore|title=Creation; a philosophical poem in seven books|section=book II

  3. To tend or drift towards someone or something, as though being pulled by gravity.

  4. (ux)

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1776|author=Adam Smith|title=Wealth of Nations

  6. (RQ:Wiggin Penelope's Progress)

  7. {{quote-text|en|year=1923|author=Elbert Hubbard|title=J.B. Runs Things

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. (inflection of)

  10. (feminine plural of)

  11. gravity, seriousness, graveness

  12. (es-verb form of)