
suomi-englanti sanakirja

glaringly englannista suomeksi

  1. silmiinpistävästi

glaringly englanniksi

  1. In a glaring manner:

  2. With intense light.

  3. (RQ:Lowry Under the Volcano) the light now on, now off, now on too glaringly, now too dimly, with the glow of a fitful dying battery—then at last to know the whole town plunged into darkness (..)

  4. {{quote-book|en|year=1958|author=Robert A. Heinlein|title=Have Space Suit—Will Travel|location=New York|publisher=Ballantine|year_published=1977|chapter=7|page=114|url=

  5. (quote-text)|location=London|publisher=Picador|section=Part Four, Chapter 1

  6. So as to be highly visible or obvious; so as to attract notice or attention.

  7. ''The error was glaringly obvious, yet nobody said anything about it.''

  8. 1782, (w), ''(w)'', London: T. Payne & Son, and T. Cadell, Volume 4, Book 7, Chapter 9, p. 133,

  9. Cecilia was quite confounded by this speech; to have it known that Delvile had visited her, was in itself alarming, but to have her own equivocation thus glaringly exposed, was infinitely more dangerous.
  10. {{quote-text|en|year=1847|author=Emily Brontë|title=Wuthering Heights|url=|chapter=22

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=1901|author=H. G. Wells|title=The Sea Lady|location=London|publisher=Methuen|year_published=1902|section=Chapter 3, Part I, p. 72|url=

  12. {{quote-book|en|year=1999|author=J. M. Coetzee|title=Disgrace|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2000|chapter=3|page=24