
suomi-englanti sanakirja

funky englannista suomeksi

  1. pelosta kuolemaisillaan, pelkurimainen

  2. funky

  3. pahanhajuinen

  4. upea, epäsovinnaisella tavalla hieno

  1. Substantiivi

funky englanniksi

  1. Offbeat, unconventional or eccentric.

  2. Not quite right; of questionable quality; not appropriate to the context.

  3. (RQ:Noire Thug-A-Licious)

  4. Cool; great; excellent.

  5. 1989, ''inCider'' magazine (volume 7)

  6. Eight-bit Arkanoid is a funky game — not as sexy as its 16-bit sister, but fun to spend time with. I'm hooked.
  7. 2001, ''ELLEgirl'' magazine (Autumn 2001, page 127)

  8. I love high heels, and these were totally funky! The coolest part: They actually let me take 'em home!
  9. {{quote-text|en|year=2006|author=Sue Cook; Claire Crompton|title=Quick to Stitch Cross Stitch Cards|page=60

  10. Having a foul or unpleasant smell.

  11. (quote-book)|location=New York, N. Y.|publisher=The Dial Press|page=4|pageurl=|passage=They could scarcely bear their knowledge, nor could they have borne the sight of Rufus, but they knew why he was in the streets tonight, why he rode subways all night long, why his stomach growled, why his hair was nappy, his armpits funky, his pants and shoes too thin, and why he did not dare to stop and take a leak.

  12. (quote-text)

  13. {{quote-text|en|year=2017|author=Bruce Fife|title=Coconut Therapy for Pets|page=47

  14. Relating to or reminiscent of various genres of American music, especially funk.

  15. Relating to, or characterized by, great fear, or funking.

  16. (l)

  17. (l) (q)

  18. (l)

  19. (l) (gloss)