
suomi-englanti sanakirja

feud englannista suomeksi

  1. riidellä, olla riitaisissä väleissä

  2. riita, sukuriita

  1. vihanpito

  2. sukuriita family feud

  3. Substantiivi

  4. Verbi

feud englanniksi

  1. A state of long-standing mutual hostility.

  2. (ux) and (w).

  3. A staged rivalry between wrestlers.

  4. A combination of kindred to avenge injuries or affronts, done or offered to any of their blood, on the offender and all his race.

  5. To carry on a feud.

  6. (ux)

  7. (senseid)An estate granted to a vassal by a feudal lord in exchange for service.

  8. (alternative form of)

  9. must, to

  10. (uxi)