
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fane englanniksi

  1. A weathercock, a vane.

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1801|author=John Baillie|title=An Impartial History of the Town and County of Newcastle Upon Tyne|pageurl=|page=541

  3. A banner, especially a military banner.

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (senseid) A temple or sacred place.

  6. (RQ:Cowper Homer)

  7. (quote-book) = The Odes of Anacreon the Teian Bard, Literally Translated into English Prose;(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) M‘Gowan and Son for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall,(nb...)|year=1830|page=22|pageurl=|oclc=1196090059|passage=Crown me, therefore,—and minstrelling near to thy fanes, Bacchus, thickly-adorned with rosy chaplets will I dance with a full-bosomed maid.

  8. (RQ:Thackeray Pendennis)

  9. {{quote-book|en|year=1850|title=The Madras Journal of Literature and Science|volume=16|pageurl=|page=64

  10. {{quote-book|en|year=1884|author=Henry David Thoreau|title=Summer: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau|pageurl=|page=78

  11. (RQ:Haggard She)

  12. 1888, Blavatsky|H. P. Blavatsky, ''The Secret Doctrine'', Volume 1: Cosmogenesis, Quest Books 1993 page 458:

  13. And this ideal conception is found beaming like a golden ray upon each idol, however coarse and grotesque, in the crowded galleries of the sombre fanes of India and other Mother lands of cults.
  14. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp) the height and vastness of this noble fane, its antiquity and its strength—all these things seemed to have their part as causes of the thrilling emotion that accompanied his thoughts.

  15. (RQ:Morley Haunted)

  16. dry leaf

  17. the leaves attached to vegetables, but which are themselves not usually consumed, such as those of carrot, radishes and cauliflowers

  18. the leaves of any vegetable which is not itself a vegetable, and which are not usually attached to the edible part, such as those of potatoes, tomatoes and beans

  19. (gl-verb form of)

  20. A particular kind of white-coloured iris.

  21. A flag or gonfalon; a piece of fabric or other visible structure used for identification on the field.

  22. A flag borne on sea-going vessels, especially a long triangular one.

  23. A weathervane or weathercock (gloss)

  24. A temple, especially that used to worship Roman gods.

  25. to up

  26. to rise

  27. to wax

  28. (uxi)

  29. iris