
suomi-englanti sanakirja

espy englannista suomeksi

  1. huomata

espy englanniksi

  1. To out or observe (someone or something, especially if not easy to see) by spying or looking; to sight of; to see; to spot.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (RQ:Elyot Governour)

  4. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  5. (RQ:Nashe Christs Teares)

  6. (quote-book)|location=Cambridge, Cambridgeshire|publisher=(...) Roger Daniel, for (w)|year=1610|year_published=1640|section=stanza 67|page=68|pageurl=|oclc=1170779869|passage=The Lark (poore bird!) afarre eſpi'th / Her yet unfeather'd children (vvhom to ſave / She ſtrives in vain) ſlain by the fatall ſithe, / VVhich from the medovv her green locks doth ſhave, / That their vvarm neſt is novv become their grave; (..)

  7. (quote-book)|edition=2nd|location=London|publisher=(...) Lownes for I. Bartlet(nb...)|year=1629|pages=340–341|pageurl=|oclc=863758391|passage=The faults hee eſpyeth in others, he vvill comdemn in himſelfe; if not in the act and habit, vvhich grace preſerueth him from, yet in the ſeedes and inclination: (..)

  8. (RQ:Bunyan Pilgrim's Progress)

  9. (RQ:Bunyan Grace Abounding)

  10. (quote-book)&93;|title=The History of Greenland: Containing a Description of the Country, and Its Inhabitants:(nb...)|location=London|publisher=(...) For the Brethren’s Society for the Furtherance of the Gospel among the Heathen; and sold by Dodsley|James Dodsley,(nb...)|year=1767|section=§ 48|page=239|pageurl=|oclc=606066448|passage=Thou eſpiedſt the ſhallop's ſcarlet ſtreamer from far, and joyfully ſhoutedſt: Behold ''Lars'' cometh!|footer=(small)

  11. (RQ:Coleridge Christabel)

  12. (RQ:Hunt Jar of Honey), should espy, / ''E'en in a bush, the radiant Deity.''

  13. (RQ:Black Green Pastures)

  14. (quote-book)|location=Calcutta, West Bengal|publisher=H. M. Mookerjee & Co.|year=1880|page=62|pageurl=|oclc=1062983064|passage=Bimala looked at the direction in silence. Deep and hard breathings entered her ear, and she espied something near the road.

  15. (quote-book)

  16. (quote-journal)

  17. To see (someone or something) without foreplanning or unexpectedly.

  18. (RQ:More Robinson Utopia) I chaunced to eſpie thys foraſyde Peter talkynge wyth a certeyne ſtraunger a man well ſtryken in age wyth a blake sonne burned face, a longe bearde and a cloke catſe homely about hys ſhoulders, whom by hys fauour & apparrel forthwythe I iudged to be a maryner.

  19. (RQ:Shakespeare Titus Andronicus Q1)

  20. (RQ:King James Version)

  21. (RQ:Herbert Travaile)

  22. To observe (someone or something) as a spy; also, to examine or observe (someone or something) carefully; or to look out or watch for.

  23. (RQ:Foxe Actes and Monuments)|chapter=The Letter of Maister Latimer Written to King VIII|Henry VIII, Answering to the foresaid Inhibition of the Byshops|date=1 December 1530|page=1415|column=2|passage=Remember the subtyle worldly wyse Counsellours of Hāmon, the sonne of of Ammon|Naas, king of the Amonites, which when Dauid had sent hys seruauntes to comfort the yong kyng, for the death of hys father, by craftye imaginacions counselled Hāmon not alonely not to receiue them gently, but to entreate them most shamefullye and cruellye, sayinge that they came not to comforte hym, but to espye and search hys lande, so that afterward they brynging Dauid woorde howe euerye thynge stoode, Dauid myghte come and conquer it.|footer=Page 1346 in the print version of the work.

  24. (RQ:King James Version) ſent me from Kadeſh Barnea, to eſpie out the land, and I brought him worde againe, as it was in mine heart.

  25. (RQ:Taylor Eniautos) And therefore God is ''inquiſitive''; he looks for that vvhich he fain vvould never finde; God ſets ſpies upon us; he looks upon us himſelf through the Curtains of a cloud; and he ſends Angels to eſpie us in all our vvayes, (..)

  26. To become aware of (a fact, information, etc.).

  27. (RQ:Quarles Enchiridion)

  28. (RQ:Joseph Beaumont Psyche)

  29. (quote-book)|edition=3rd|location=London|publisher=(...) Martyn (publisher)|John Martyn,(nb...)|year=1670|pages=97–98|pageurl=|oclc=70377557|passage=O Moſt and Gracious Father, the ſearcher of all hearts; vvho ſeeſt my dovvn-lying as vvell as up riſing, darkneſs and light being both alike to thee; vvho art near unto all my vvays, and eſpyeſt my thoughts vvhile they are yet afar off, I have here ſet my ſelf before thee to pay my evening homage, (..)

  30. To observe as a spy, to spy; also, to examine or observe carefully; or to look out or watch.

  31. (RQ:Keble Lyra Innocentium)

  32. An act of out|finding out or observing by spying or looking; an espial or espying.

  33. (RQ:Hakluyt Principall Navigations)

  34. (RQ:Topsell Serpents)

  35. A scout or spy.

  36. (RQ:Smith Generall Historie)

  37. The act or process of learning secret information through clandestine means; espionage.