
suomi-englanti sanakirja

entail englannista suomeksi

  1. seurata

  2. rajoittaa perintöä

  3. sääntöperinnöksi määrääminen

  4. sääntöperintötila

  5. vaatia

  1. sisältää, tuoda mukanaan">tuoda mukanaan

entail englanniksi

  1. To imply, require, or invoke.

  2. ''This activity will entail careful attention to detail.''

  3. To settle or fix inalienably on a person or thing, or on a person and his descendants or a certain line of descendants; -- said especially of an estate; to bestow as a heritage.

  4. (RQ:Austen Pride and Prejudice)

  5. 1754-1762, (w), ''The History of England''

  6. Allowing them to entail their estates.
  7. (RQ:Shakespeare Henry 6-3)

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. To appoint hereditary possessor.

  10. To cut or carve in an ornamental way.

  11. (RQ:Spenser Faerie Queene)

  12. That which is entailed.

  13. A power of breaking the ancient entails, and of alienating their estates.
  14. An estate in fee entailed, or limited in descent to a particular class of issue.

  15. The rule by which the descent is fixed.

  16. (quote-book)

  17. Delicately carved ornamental work; intaglio.