
suomi-englanti sanakirja

emu englannista suomeksi

  1. sähkömagneettinen yksikkö

  2. emu

  1. emu

  2. Substantiivi

  3. Verbi

emu englanniksi

  1. Dromaius

  1. A cassowary (genus (taxfmt)). (defdate)

  2. (quote-book)| year=1656| pages=1 and 3| pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=PZw5AAAAcAAJ&pg=PA1| oclc=216906535| passage=&91;page 1&93; 1. EGGES. Caſſawary, or Emeu, ''vide Aldrov'': ''p.'' 542. ''Harveum, G.A. p.'' 61. (..) &91;page 3&93; 4. CLAWES. (..) A legge and claw of the Caſſawary or Emeu that dyed at S. ''James''’s, ''Weſtminſter''.

  3. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=Printed for Osborne (publisher)|Thomas Osborne,(nb...)| year=1752| page=482| pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=FStVAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA482|oclc=937937885|passage=It is a native both of the Eaſt and Weſt Indies; and all the writers on birds have deſscribed it. Aldrovand &91;(w)&93; calls it Emeu ſive Eme; Boulius, Emeu vulgo Caſoarius; and others, Caſſuarus.

  4. A large flightless bird native to Australia, (taxfmt). (defdate)

  5. (RQ:Goldsmith History of the Earth) &91;page 60&93; The emu runs with ſuch a ſwiftneſs, that the fleeteſt dogs are thrown out in the purſuit.

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. (quote-journal),(nb...)| date=4 June 1864| volume=XXII| section=chapter II| oclc=863367188| passage=I left my young emeus (..) just parted from their affectionate father, and not yet fully reconciled to beginning the world on their own account.

  8. (quote-book)| year=1873| volume=II| pages=219–220|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=iDcNAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA210|oclc=654597953|passage=A stranger cannot but remark, throughout the pastoral districts of Australia, how seldom he sees sheep as he travels along. (..) It may be that he will also expect emus and kangaroos, and he will generally be disappointed also in regard to them. Kangaroos I certainly have seen in great numbers, though by no means so often as I expected. An emu running wild I never did see. Tame emus round the houses in towns are very common, and of emus’ eggs there is a plethora.

  9. (quote-book) Emus, the world's second largest living birds, live in Australia and are the only extant member of the genus ''Dromaius''.

  10. (initialism of)

  11. (synonyms)

  12. (quote-book)

  13. (quote-journal) emu/cc.

  14. (quote-book) emu/g. (To convert measurements in emu/g to S.I., multiply by 10(sup).)

  15. (quote-book) or emu/mole.

  16. (clipping of)

  17. (quote-newsgroup)

  18. (l) (gloss)

  19. (eo-form of)

  20. (l)

  21. emu (gloss), the only extant species in its genus

  22. (ja-romanization of)

  23. baobab fruit

  24. tastiness

  25. (l) (gl)

  26. (w) (gloss)

  27. an (l)

  28. one

  29. (infl of)|;|(ttj-cl)