
suomi-englanti sanakirja

durant englanniksi

  1. Durant

  1. (alternative form of)

  2. A strong cloth in imitation of buff leather.

  3. for, during (gloss)

  4. *Reciclando una botella de plastico se cabida prou enerchia ta mantenir una bombeta de 60W encendida durant una hora y meya. = Recycling a plastic bottle saves enough energy to keep a 60W lightbulb lit for an hour and a half.

  5. (gerund of) in Ribagorçan.

  6. {{quote-journal|ca|journal=Time Out Barcelona|date=March 5 2020|volume=587|page=15|title=Recliclar té premi!

  7. (gerund of)

  8. during, while

  9. (syn)

  10. end

  11. (uxi)

  12. (present participle of)

  13. (inflection of)

  14. during