
suomi-englanti sanakirja

dink englannista suomeksi

  1. roikkulyönti

  1. Verbi

dink englanniksi

  1. DINK

  1. A soft shot.

  2. (quote-journal)

  3. A soft drop shot played at or near the non-volley zone.

  4. A light chip; a chipped pass or shot

  5. To play a soft drop shot.

  6. (''pickleball'') To play a soft drop shot at or near the non-volley zone.

  7. To chip lightly, to play a light chip shot.

  8. ''The forward dinked the ball over the goalkeeper to score his first goal of the season.''

  9. {{quote-web

  10. (quote-web)

  11. A ride on the crossbar or handlebars of a bicycle.

  12. ''I gave him a dink on my bike.''

  13. To carry someone on a pushbike: behind, on the crossbar or on the handlebar.

  14. {{quote-journal|en|year=1947|editor=John Lehmann|journal=The Penguin New Writing|issue=30|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=z9EzAAAAMAAJ&q=dink|page=103

  15. A North Vietnamese soldier.

  16. (quote-book)

  17. (acronym of)

  18. Honest, fair, true.

  19. Genuine, proper, dinkum.

  20. Honestly, truly.

  21. Hard work, especially one's share of a task.

  22. A soldier from Australia or New Zealand, a member of the ANZAC forces during the First World War.

  23. The penis.

  24. A foolish or contemptible person. (defdate)

  25. (quote-book)he was a dink, and all the money, fame, and power in the world wouldn't change that one simple fact.

  26. Finely dressed, elegant; neat.

  27. (alternative spelling of)

  28. to think

  29. {{quote-text|af|year=1939|title=Jaarboek|page=44

  30. {{quote-text|af|year=1951|title=Suid-Afrikaanse Hofverslae|volume=3|page=79

  31. {{quote-text|af|year=1993|title=A Grammar of Afrikaans|publisher=Bruce Donaldson|page=223

  32. neat and tidy

  33. to 2|deck

  34. to dress neatly

  35. a bruise

  36. to dent, to bruise