
suomi-englanti sanakirja

deperm englanniksi

  1. To degauss or demagnetize; especially, to degauss a ship by dragging a large powered electrical cable along its side.

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. (quote-book)|month=June|year=1964|page=6|pageurl=|oclc=233807132|passage=Our present system deperms more reliably and is arranged to deperm the sensor each time the power source for the magnetometer is turned on.

  5. (quote-book)|location=York, N.Y.|publisher=Springer Science+Business Media|year=2008|year_published=2009|section=section 4 (Unit Testing)|page=176|pageurl=|doi=10.1007/978-0-387-89820-9|isbn=978-0-387-89819-3|passage=Deperming the boards individually lead to a significant decrease in the magnetic moment of the whole unit, this was then repeated on all units.

  6. The act or process of deperming.