suomi-englanti sanakirjacontradict englannista suomeksi
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contradict englanniksi
To deny the truth or validity of (a statement or statements).
1651, (w), ''(w)'', London: Andrew Crooke, Chapter 42 “Of Power Ecclesiasticall,” p. 270,
- (..) the Ministers of Christ in this world, have no Power by that title, to Punish any man for not Beleeving, or for Contradicting what they say;
(RQ:Austen Pride and Prejudice)
{{quote-book|en|year=1959|author=Robert A. Heinlein|title=Starship Troopers|location=New York|publisher=Ace Books|year_published=2006|page=97|url=
To oppose (a person) by denying the truth or pertinence of a given statement.
(RQ:Shakespeare Macbeth)
{{quote-text|en|year=1753|author=Samuel Richardson|title=The History of Sir Charles Grandison|location=London|section=Volume 5, Letter 17, p. 113|url=
{{quote-book|en|year=1915|author=Virginia Woolf|title=The Voyage Out|location=New York|publisher=George H. Doran|year_published=1920|chapter=15|page=199|url=
To be contrary to (something).
(RQ:Hooker Laws)
1760, (w), ''The Sermons of Mr. Yorick'', London: R. & J. Dodsley, Volume 1, Sermon 2, p. 32,
- (..) as he is going to a house dedicated to joy and mirth, it was fit he should divest himself of whatever was likely to contradict that intention, or be inconsistent with it.
(RQ:Wordsworth Excursion) True indeed it isThat They whom Death has hidden from our sightAre worthiest of the Mind’s regard; with theseThe future cannot contradict the past:
{{quote-book|en|year=1980|author=Anthony Burgess|title=Earthly Powers|publisher=Penguin|year_published=1981|chapter=60|page=486
To say things that conflict with each other.
To give an order contrary to (another order or wish), oppose (something).
(RQ:Shakespeare Henry 8) when was the hourI ever contradicted your desire,Or made it not mine too?
1662, (w), ''The Matrimonial Trouble'', Act II, Scene 21 in ''Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent princess, the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle'', London: John Martyn ''et al.'', p. 435,
- ''Lady Sprightly''. What had you to do to contradict my commands?
- ''Doll Subtilty''. They were not fit to be obey’d, wherefore they were forbid.
To give an order contrary to one given by (another person), oppose or resist (someone).
(RQ:Marlowe Edward 2)I will haue ''Gaueston'', and you shall know,What danger tis to stand against your king.
(RQ:Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet)
To speak against; to forbid.
(RQ:Burton Melancholy), New York 2001, p. 203:
- (..)magic hath been publicly professed in former times, in Salamanca, Cracovia, and other places, though after censured by several universities, and now generally contradicted, though practised by some still ….