
suomi-englanti sanakirja

resist englannista suomeksi

  1. tehdä vastarintaa

  2. vastustaa

  3. panna hanttiin

  4. hylkiä

  1. Verbi

  2. vastustaa

  3. kestää, vastustaa

  4. etoa

  5. Substantiivi

resist englanniksi

  1. To attempt to counter the actions or effects of.

  2. (quote-video game)|location=Redwood City|publisher=Electronic Arts|year=2008|genre=fiction|Science Fiction|system=PC|scene=(w)|isbn=9780784546642|oclc=246633669|passage=Shepard: You could have resisted. You could have fought! Instead, you surrendered. You quit.

  3. {{quote-journal|en|date=2013-06-28|author=Joris Luyendijk

  4. To withstand the actions of.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. (RQ:Maxwell Mirror and the Lamp)Resist not evil. It is an insane immolation of self—as bad intrinsically as fakirs stabbing themselves or anchorites warping their spines in caves scarcely large enough for a fair-sized dog.

  7. To oppose; to refuse to accept.

  8. To be distasteful to.

  9. (RQ:Shakespeare Pericles)

  10. A protective coating or covering. ''Oxford English Dictionary'', 2nd ed., 1989.