
suomi-englanti sanakirja

chuck englannista suomeksi

  1. heittää menemään, heittää pois

  2. viskata, nakata

  3. lapapihvi

  4. leukaistukka

  5. sapuska

  6. heittää laattaa

  7. taputtaa

  1. etuselkä

  2. istukka

  3. taputus

  4. nakata, vipata, lempata

  5. heittää pois">heittää pois, heittää menemään">heittää menemään, lempata

  6. yrjötä

  7. Substantiivi

chuck englanniksi

  1. Meat from the shoulder of a cow or other animal.

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1975|author=Thomas Fabbricante; William J. Sultan|title=Practical Meat Cutting and Merchandising: Beef|pageurl=|page=141

  3. {{quote-text|en|year=2001|author=Bruce Aidells; Denis Kelly|title=The Complete Meat Cookbook: A Juicy and Authoritative Guide|page=190

  4. {{quote-book|en|year=2006|author=North American Meat Processors Association|title=The Meat Buyers Guide: Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, and Poultry|pageurl=|page=113

  5. Food.

  6. {{quote-book|en|year=1951|author=Frederick Feikema Manfred|title=Riders of Judgment|url=|publisher=Second|year_published=2014|isbn=9780803277441

  7. A mechanical device that holds an object firmly in place, for example holding a drill bit in a high-speed rotating drill or grinder.

  8. 1824, Royal Society of Arts (Great Britain), ''Transactions'', Volume 42, %22chucks%22+-intitle:%22chuck|chucks%22+-inauthor:%22chuck%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=YOclT4-XJ7GyiQfKtdXrBA&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22chuck%22|%22chucks%22%20-intitle%3A%22chuck|chucks%22%20-inauthor%3A%22chuck%22&f=false page 88,

  9. I have had a chuck of this kind made in brass with the cones of iron, but it is cumbrous and expensive, and does not answer so well, owing to the surface of the iron offering less resistance to the work turning within it. This, perhaps, might be remedied by roughing; but I think the chuck is much better in wood, as it can be made by any common turner at a trifling expense, and possesses more strength than can possibly be required.
  10. {{quote-book|en|year=1912|author=Fred Herbert Colvin; Frank Arthur Stanley|title=American Machinist Grinding Book|pageurl=|page=322

  11. 2003, Julie K. Petersen, “chuck”, entry in ''Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary'', chucks%22+-inauthor:%22chuck%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=XBkmT-jRHuyeiAfvs53bBA&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22chucks%22%20-intitle%3A%22chuck|chucks%22%20-inauthor%3A%22chuck%22&f=false page 181,

  12. A fiber optic splicing device may be equipped with V-grooves or chucks to hold the two pieces of fiber optic filament to be spliced. If it has chucks, they are typically either clamping chucks or vacuum chucks.
  13. {{quote-book|en|year=2008|author=Ramon Francis Bonaquist|title=NHCRP Report 614: Refining the Simple Performance Tester for Use in Routine Practice|pageurl=|page=30

  14. To place in a chuck, or hold by means of a chuck, as in turning.

  15. To bore or turn (a hole) in a revolving piece held in a chuck.

  16. (senseid) A chicken, a hen.

  17. A clucking sound.

  18. {{quote-book|en|year=1998|author=Scott Freeman; Jon C. Herron|title=Evolutionary Analysis|pageurl=|page=604

  19. A friend or close acquaintance; term of endearment.

  20. (ux)

  21. (RQ:Shakespeare Othello)

  22. To make a clucking sound.

  23. To call, as a hen her chickens.

  24. (RQ:Dryden Fables)

  25. To chuckle; to laugh.

  26. (quote-book)|title=The Metamorphosis of Pigmalions Image, and Certaine Satyres|chapter=Satyre IV|passage=Who would not chuck to see such pleasing sport.To see such troupes of gallants still resortunto ''Cornutos'' shop.|genre=poem

  27. A gentle touch or tap.

  28. ''She gave him an affectionate chuck under the chin.''

  29. A casual throw.

  30. A throw, an incorrect bowling action.

  31. An act or instance of vomiting.

  32. On rhythm guitar or mandolin etc., the muting of a chord by lifting the fretting fingers immediately after strumming, producing a percussive effect.

  33. To touch or tap gently.

  34. {{quote-text|en|year=1777|author=Richard Brinsley Sheridan|title=The School for Scandal|section=III.ii

  35. To throw, especially in a careless or inaccurate manner.

  36. ''Chuck that magazine to me, would you?''

  37. To throw; to bowl with an incorrect action.

  38. To discard, to away.

  39. (syn)

    ''This food's gone off - you'd better chuck it.''

  40. (quote-book)

  41. To jilt; to dump.

  42. ''She's chucked me for another man!''

  43. To give up; to stop doing; to quit.

  44. (RQ:Lindsay Age of Consent)

  45. To vomit.

  46. To leave; to depart; to bounce.

  47. ''Let's chuck.''

  48. On guitar or mandolin etc.: to mute a chord by lifting the fretting fingers immediately after strumming, producing a percussive effect.

  49. (abbreviation of)

  50. 1976 August, Sylvia Bashline, ''Woodchucks Are Tablefare Too'', ''& Stream|Field & Stream'', chucks%22+-inauthor:%22chuck%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=KBwmT4DXF4a3iQeL5fyiBA&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22chucks%22%20-intitle%3A%22chuck|chucks%22%20-inauthor%3A%22chuck%22&f=false page 50,

  51. Chucks are plentiful, and most farmers are glad to have the incurable diggers kept at tolerable population levels. (..) For some reason, my family didn′t eat ′chucks. Few families in the area did.
  52. A small pebble.

  53. Money.

  54. water