
suomi-englanti sanakirja

caler englanniksi

  1. to be necessary

  2. (ux)

  3. (l) (Ribagorçan)

  4. (alternative form of)

  5. to wedge (open) (a door)

  6. to jam (machinery etc.), to stall (an engine)

  7. to stall (of driver, engine)

  8. to up|fill (someone) up

  9. (of person eating) to up, be full

  10. to synchronize

  11. to chug (an alcoholic beverage)

  12. to be bald or balding, to go or be going bald

  13. to glow

  14. (inflection of)

  15. to care about; to be concerned about

  16. 12th century, Bernard de Ventadour, ''gens tems de pascor|Lo gens tems de pascor''

  17. {{quote|pro|Ela.m ditz no m'en chal.