
Tarkoititko: caddie

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englanti (alternative form of)
puhekieltä to wedge (open) (a door)
puhekieltä to jam (machinery etc.), to stall (an engine)
puhekieltä to stall (of driver, engine)
puhekieltä to fill up|fill (someone) up
puhekieltä (of person eating) to give up, be full
puhekieltä to synchronize
to glow
(inflection of)
to be necessary
puhekieltä to care about; to be concerned about
12th century, Bernard de Ventadour, s:fr:Lo gens tems de pascor|Lo gens tems de pascor
Ela.m ditz no m'en chal.
: She says it to me; I don't care


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