
suomi-englanti sanakirja

balle englanniksi

  1. (monikko) af|bal

  2. (infl of)

  3. (small) ball

  4. (ux)

  5. bullet

  6. franc (French franc), euro

  7. bundle of goods; packet tied and held together with string

  8. chaff (gloss)

  9. (verb form of)

  10. (monikko) it|balla

  11. ball (gloss)

  12. a small party, with food and drinks

  13. point (on a scale), grade, level

  14. to play with a ball

  15. (infl of)|nom|p|;||acc|s

  16. (alt form)

  17. ball (spherical object used in games)

  18. small metal ball used as artillery

  19. bundle

  20. ball (object)

  21. ball

  22. bullet

  23. (inflection of)

  24. (adj form of)

  25. a schlong, cock ((larger) penis)

  26. (quote-book)|editor=Elisabeth Møller Jensen|title=Nordisk kvinnolitteraturhistoria I|trans-title=Nordic history of women's literature I|chapter=Vad en kvinna kväder. Kultur och kön på Island i fornnordisk medeltid|trans-chapter=What a woman feels. Culture and gender in Iceland in the Old Norse Middle Ages|page=59|url=|text=Trälen skär av "med ett raskt snitt den lem, som efter naturens ordning det slags skapelser har till avlande... och som, efter vad de gamla skalderna säger, heter ballen på hästar". Bondsonen kommer skrattande in i rummet till sin mor, syster och trälkvinnan och hotar dem med ballen. Han kväder en smädevers. där han ger ballen namnet Völse (etymologiskt detsamma som fallos).|t=The thrall cuts off "with a quick cut the limb, which, according to the order of nature, this kind of creation (horse) has for breeding... and which, according to what the old poets say, is on horses called the penis". The farm-son comes laughing into the room of his mother, sister and thrall woman and threatens them with the penis. He chants a slanderous verse, where he gives the penis the name Völse (etymologically the same as phallus).

  27. a testicle

  28. a buttock

  29. a balcony

  30. (quote-web)