
suomi-englanti sanakirja

babbitt englannista suomeksi

  1. laakerimetalli, babbit, valkometalli

  2. päällystää babbitilla, päällystää laakerimetallilla, päällystää valkometallilla

babbitt englanniksi

  1. (short for), (l) (“a soft white alloy of variable composition (for example, nine parts of tin to one of copper, or fifty parts of tin to five of antimony and one of copper) used in bearings to diminish friction”).

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-us-patent)

  4. (quote-book)

  5. (quote-book)|year=1952|page=209|pageurl=|oclc=3664398|passage=Coins made from nickel babbitt are fairly hard and give a clear bright ring. This makes it easier to pass them due to the widespread belief that a sure test of a counterfeit coin is to drop it on a hard surface to see if it will "ring". (..) The simplest test is to cut the edge of a suspected coin with a pocket knife. If it is made of babbitt the metal will pare off quite easily.

  6. (quote-journal) The rod is secured to the crank pin by body bound bolts, this bearing being provided with Babbitt shells which are prevented from turning by paper liners extending to the pin.

  7. (quote-book) Babbitt or whitemetal bearing materials represent a class of alloys developed specifically for bearing applications.

  8. (quote-book) Because of low strength and high cost, a thin babbitt overlay, usually about 0.025 mm, is often deposited as liners over steel bushings to combine the great load carrying capacity of steel with conformability and corrosion resistance of babbitts.

  9. To line (something) with metal to reduce friction.

  10. (quote-us-patent) This drilling jig is a negative of the interior of the frame. It has two sets of bearings, ''c d'' and ''e f'', which are at right angles to each other, and which set in the longitudinal and transverse bearings that have been made and "Babbited" in the cast frame, and thus steady and hold it.

  11. (quote-journal)|location=Cleveland, Oh.|publisher=Gardner Print Co.|month=June|year=1912|oclc=669697086|passage=The work of babbitting bearings offers considerable opportunity for the use of different forms of fixtures that are capable of making a material increase in the efficiency with which this operation can be carried on.

  12. (quote-journal) It takes half the time required to babbitt the bearings in halves.

  13. (quote-book) In babbitting a ''solid box'' cover the shaft with paper, draw it smooth and tight, and fasten the lapped ends with mucilage.

  14. (alternative case form of)

  15. {{quote-text|en|year=1930|title=The Literary digest|volume=105|publisher=Funk and Wagnalls|page=21

  16. 2002 ''Tamkang review'', Volume 33, Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences, p.158

  17. ... a "babbitt" is a person full of self-confident bluster who is nevertheless a narrowminded philistine and a hypocrite.
  18. {{quote-text|en|year=2003|author=William Hyland|title=George Gershwin: a new biography|page=116|publisher=Greenwood Publishing Group