
suomi-englanti sanakirja

anas englanniksi

  1. Anas

  1. (monikko) en|ana

  2. all, everything

  3. (syn)

  4. landslide

  5. anus

  6. duck

  7. a disease of old women

  8. that

  9. ''ką rašo anàs vyras?'' — what is that man writing?

    ''anõ stalo koja sulūžusi'' — the leg of that table is broken

    ''aníems vaikams reikia batų'' — those children need shoes

    ''anà karvė yra didžiausia'' — that cow is the biggest (one)

  10. one

  11. ''anàs buvo geras žmogus'' — that (one) was a good person

    ''aniẽ turėjo daug pinigų'' — those (ones) had a lot of money

  12. (verb form of)

  13. low tone of speech

  14. whisper

  15. (alternative form of)