algebraic structure

suomi-englanti sanakirja

algebraic structure englanniksi

  1. Any one of the numerous types of mathematical object studied in algebra and especially in algebra.

  2. A mathematical object comprising a set (aka set or domain), an optional set, a set of operations (typically operations, but otherwise each of finite arity) and a set of identities (axioms) which the operations must satisfy.

  3. (ux)

  4. 1975, Ronald James Williams, ''Algebraic Structures Up to Homotopy'', (w), page 16,

  5. In this chapter we propose a general means for describing algebraic structures, both strict and up to homotopy, and we apply the results of the preceding chapter to the study of these(..).
  6. 1995, George R. Kempf, ''Algebraic Structures'', Bertelsmann (Vieweg), page 129,

  7. Thus the algebraic structures which we have been studying are part of category theory, but the important theorem is not generally categorical nonsense, although there are theorems in category theory which we will not study.
  8. {{quote-book|en|year=2019|author=Palash B. Pal|title=A Physicist's Introduction to Algebraic Structures|pageurl=|page=37|publisher=Cambridge University Press

  9. (quote-book)